Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Blog Search - Does Anyone Really Do That? - Manny Leger

What do Google Blog Search, Technorati, Blogwise, IceRocket and Blogger all have in common? BLOGS... and lot's of them. People from all walks of life are jumping on the blogging band-wagon these days. And why shouldn't they? It's free of charge in most cases, and anyone can do it. You don't have to be a computer expert to create your own nook on the world wide web anymore.

But with all of these new blogs being created daily, there needs to be a way to consolidate, categorize and locate them. That's where blog search engines and directories come in. The previously mentioned blog search engines are only a drop in the bucket, however. There are many, many others out there. But there is a question among critics going around that needs answering- "Does anyone actually use blog search engines or directories"?

Well, I will answer their question with another question- "Would Google jump into something nobody would use"?

To question the usefullness of blog search is like questioning the usefullness of THE FOOD NETWORK. Just because you don't enjoy cooking does not mean that nobody else does. Is the blogosphere self-driven? Of course! But then again, so is the Food Network, and any other market. So that's not an applicable arguement either.

The claims that blog search engines and directories are useless is propelled by people who don't like the idea of the "average Joe" (or Jane for that matter) being able to have his own virtual web site. These individuals feel less special because grandma now has her own internet address, even though she could not write a line of code to save her life.

When I started my blog directory, I ran into a lot of criticism from people who felt insecure in this way. I received e-mail telling me my blog directory was "worthless", and that "nobody uses blog directories". I am glad I did not let them get to me. Today my directory receives more traffic than I ever could have hoped for, and it is growing every month. I also frequent other blog directories and search engines in support of the blogosphere as well.

Maybe someday the blog search critics will get over themselves, and join in on the wonderful world of blogging. Am I being overly optimistic? Maybe. But then again, who knows?

About The Author

Manny Leger is the creator of a simple blog search directory, No frills, just great family friendly blog search

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