Banner exec - for activation or incoming vty
Banner incoming - displayed on reverse telnet sessions
Banner login - displayed on all connected terminals. Displayed before MOTD banner but before login prompts
Bfe - manual emergency mode setting
Clear counters - clears counters on all interfaces
Clear frame-relay-inarp - clears dynamic mappings
Clear line 1 - clears vty 1 connection to a remote router
Clock set 10.30.10 28 may 2002
Config-register 0x2102 - changes config register
Copy flash tftp
Copy tftp flash - copies IOS image from tftp server default directory to router flash
Disable - to get back to user mode from privileged
Disconnect 1 - clears a connection to a remote router
Enable - to get into privileged mode
Enable last-resort - define enable action if no tacas servers respond
Enable use-tacas - tells the router to authenticate passwords through a tacas server
Encapsulation isl 3 - encapsulates ISL frame-tagging for VLAN 3 on an interface
Exec timeout 0 1 - sets console timeout to 1 second
Exec-timeout 0 0 - sets exec timeout to never timeout
Exec-timeout 1 0 - set exec timeout to 1 minute
Ip domain-lookup - enables DNS (use no form to stop this)
Ip domain-name - appends domain name to hostname (required for DNS)
Ip host nik - adds to host table (up to 8 ip addr)
Ip name-server - sets ip address(es) of DNS servers
Lock - locks the terminal
Logging synchronous - stops console messages overwriting commands
Logout - to logout of the router
Media-type 100BaseX - sets media type
Mrinfo - request neigbour and version information from a multicast router
No login - sets line, vty ports not to prompt for login info
Passive-inteface s0 - disables routing updates on interface (Global command) - they are not sent out this interface but they are still received.
Ping ipx 40.0000.0c8d.5c9d
Service password-encryption - encrypts passwords (Global command)
Terminal monitor - needed to view debug commands from telnet session
Terminal history size 50 - sets command history to 50 lines
Tftp-server system - Make router a tftp server
Show version - software version, config files, boot images, config register, basic config of router
Show ipx interface - status, ipx rip and sap received/sent, ipx access-lists
Show ipx route - ipx routing table
Show ipx servers - server list (name, port, hops, type of service)
Show ipx traffic - number/type of packets, RIP and SAP packets
Show protocol - ipx addresses of an interface, IP addresses and routing protocol
Show ip protocol - routing update times, networks active on, neighbour routers, administrative distances, AS number
Show access-lists - shows standard and extended access-lists on all interfaces
Show access-list 101
Show ip interface - IP addresses, masks, MTU, access-lists, split horizon, ICMP, CDP status, NAT statistics, LMI info, DLCIs
Show interface serial 0 - shows bandwidth, MTU, keepalives
Show ip route - ip routing table
Show cdp neighbor - deviceID, local intf, holdtime, capability, platform, remote portID
Show cdp entry * - IP address of neighbour, protocol info, platform, capability, portID, holdtime, same info as show version, neighbour device ID, local interface
Show cdp neighbor detail - same as above also IP address, version info
Show cdp traffic - info on traffic and errors
Show cdp interface - encapsulation, timer, holdtime for each intf
Show controllers serial 0 - shows DTE/DCE connections, buffer size, collisions, mac address
Show host(s) - shows hostname to IP resolution of hosts
Show session(s) - shows connections to a remote device
Show users - shows connections to your router, port and time connected
Show frame-relay lmi - lmi errors and lmi type
Show frame-relay pvc - all configured PVC's, DLCI numbers, status of connections, No. of BECN/FECN
Show frame-relay pvc 16
Show frame-relay map - ip to dlci mappings
Show run - display router config (RAM), configured PVCs, ACLs.
About The Author
Submitted By: Fiza Ali
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